Resilient Disciples, Fearless Leaders

General Info

Director: Tylor Hughes

Ages: Babies – 5th grade

Frequently asked questions

What About The Safety Of My Child?

We take the safety of your child very seriously! Every adult in our classrooms has been interviewed, carefully trained, and has a current background check on file. In addition, we have trained security officers and law enforcement on hand at each service. The claim check code you receive at check-in is unique to your family and provides extra security at pickup.

What Is The Goal Of Dahlonega Baptist Kids?

Our goal in Dahlonega Baptist Kids is to introduce your kids to the real Jesus at each phase of life. Our teams provide a safe, fun, and engaging experience where your child can be paired with a leader to guide them through service and into a closer relationship with Jesus.

What’s The Core Belief/Value Of Club B3?

Creating life-long disciples for Christ through a highly relational and deeply scriptural ministry. Club B3 is upheld by 3 pillars:

Belong: each child will gain a sense of belonging through a highly relational ministry.
Believe: every child will come to know and believe in Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior through the power of the Gospel.
Become: each child will be empowered to become resilient disciples through real-world application.
Where Do We Meet?

Entrance to the children’s hallway is at the lower parking lot, beside the playground. Walk through the double doors and you’ll be greeted by our awesome registration team!

How Do Wednesday Nights Play Out?

B3 officially starts at 6pm. Once your kiddos arrive, they will be checked-in by our registration team and file into the Kingdom Kid’s room. There the kids will recite the pledges and pray over the night. Afterwards, the clubbers break off into either their small group, large group, or rec time. Each session is intentional in delivering the Gospel message and getting your kiddo active in their faith. B3 ends at 7:30.

How Can I Pray/Support Dahlonega Baptist Kids?

It takes a lot of manpower to run the children’s ministry, so be praying for ways you may can help or for God to send willing vessels in discipling these children. Pray for each child and adult that enters these halls. Pray that their ears can hear, that their eyes are able to see, that their heart is able to retain, and their minds are able to understand the message being delivered.

We're Committed To Biblical Values.

We're All About Christ.

Our Mission & Vision

DBC Kids isn’t just a catchy name for DBC’s Children’s Ministry or a name that was pulled out of thin air, but it encompasses the goal for which we aim in preparing all of our kids for the here and now as well as for their future.

Psalm 91 is a beautiful reminder of what the ministry of DBC Kids is all about. This psalm explains that God will protect and be there for us in the midst of troubles. The psalmist declares that the “[Lord] alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust Him” (v.2). God is there for us in all times, He can be trusted, and we can run to Him when our days aren’t as awesome as we’d like them to be..

Every lesson, activity, outreach, and program that this ministry implements is one that teaches kids the value of a relationship with God – that He is faithful, trustworthy, and loving. So I encourage all parents to take time this weekend to read and mediate on Psalm 91 with your kids. Let your kids read it to you and explain to them throughout how this psalm can help them at school, at home, at a friend’s house & even on the playground.

– Tylor Hughes (Director)

Find out what’s going on at Dahlonega Baptist Kids!


234 Hawkins St
Dahlonega, GA, 30533

Phone & Email


Our Director

Tylor Hughes

I grew up in Bainbridge, GA where I met my bride, Samantha, during our junior year in high school. She and I moved up to Dahlonega in 2013 to attend UNG and fell in love with the beauty of both the scenery and people.  I love to be outdoors, whether it’s to cruise on the lake, wade in the ocean, hike the trails, hammock between trees, toss the ball, or just simply sit and enjoy God’s creation. Samantha and I have 2 rambunctious blessings, Greyson & Chloe. Our family is full of spirit, adventure, and vision and we anticipate God to do immeasurable things through our lives.

Tylor Hughes

Director of Children's Ministry


In each nursery class, our goal is to create a peaceful atmosphere and care for your child’s physical needs to give them a great first impression of their Heavenly Father. We also strive to help your child transition more easily into their preschool years.


In each preschool class, we guide your child’s curiosity through Bible-based, interactive activities to help them discover who Jesus is. Also, one of our goals is to help your child transition more easily to their elementary years.


In each elementary class, we seek to engage your child’s interest through high-energy services and small group interactions to promote a personal and interested God! Also, one of our goals is to help your child transition more easily into their junior-high years.

A Great Place To Learn About God With Friends!


  • 9:30 service – nursery thru 2nd grade
  • 11:00 service – nursery thru 5th grade
  • 10:45-11:00 – JAM time!


Club B3 runs from 6-7:30pm.
Dinner is served in the fellowship hall from 5-5:45pm.

If you have kids, check-in for them is downstairs. Drive around to the lower parking lot in the back and enter through the double doors with the green awning. One of our greeters will be glad to direct you.

We introduce your child to Christ at each phase of life.

We provide a safe, fun, and engaging environment

We take the safety of your child very seriously!

Active B3 Kids


Get In Touch

Location: 234 Hawkins St, Dahlonega, GA 30533

Telephone: (706) 864-3676
