These are three phases of how we make disciples here at Dahlonega Baptist Church. 


First, we Worship, and we invite people to worship with us. When we invite people to worship with us, we connect them to Jesus. We connect them to the gospel. In worship, we are being drawn closer to God and to each other, while others are given an opportunity to hear the gospel and see it. Worshiping together is the first step to connecting with God and connecting with others.


Secondly, we Grow. Growth happens as a direct result of connecting with God, His Word, and others. When we grow in faith together, while seeking to know and follow Christ; this is how we become a Family of Faith. While faith and our relationship with God is individual and personal, Scripture points to our faith being tied to, lived out, and practiced within the larger community of God’s church. In short, we worship and grow together.

Here at Dahlonega Baptist, this can take place in one of the many Sunday School classes we have or through Bible Studies/Small Groups that meet throughout the week for all life stages and settings. If you are looking to grow into a deeper relationship with Jesus individually, or as a family, you’ll find many opportunities to get plugged in and grow with us here at Dahlonega Baptist where TOGETHER WE GROW.


The third step is to Serve, this is when we become the “hands and feet of Christ.”  It’s stepping out in faith and looking for opportunities to serve Christ using the spiritual gifts and abilities that we have been given.  We have many volunteer opportunities here at DBC.   Our Benevolence Ministry serves the less fortunate here in our community through community partnerships. We welcome and encourage you to teach and mentor our children, sing in the choir, or go on a mission trip.  There are many teams and committees that welcome your service here at Dahlonega Baptist.  The great news is that we have all kinds of opportunities to serve where you can make a difference in the lives of others while God continues to make a difference in yours. In short, we invite you to come and be a part of what God is doing at Dahlonega Baptist Church!

How To Become A Member

Profession of Faith:

Admit one’s separation from God and desire to be united with God by trusting in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.  A person wishing to unite in this fashion speaks to the Pastor to inform him of the decision, then presents himself/herself to the congregation at the end of a worship service.  The congregation joyfully receives each person confessing faith.

Transfer of Membership:

If one is already a follower of Jesus and a member of another Southern Baptist congregation, he or she communicates to the Pastor the desire to transer membership, then presents oneself after worship to be received by this congregation.  

Statement of Faith:

If one is already a follower of Jesus and a member of a congregation other than Southern Baptist, he or she communicates to the Pastor the desire to unite with DBC, then is presented to the congregation as one coming upon statement of faith.  A person from another tradition who has not experienced baptism by immersion (may have been baptized as an infant) will be encouraged to experience this marvelous symbolic act. 

Watchcare Membership:

Watchcare Membership is an option for those who have made a profession of faith in Christ but may, through occupation or circumstance,  find themselves in the community on a limited or part-time basis but would still like to be a part of a local church family.

Suppose you are serving in the military, a college student, or a part-time resident who desires to keep your primary membership elsewhere. In that case, you can seek to join the church through Watchcare membership – meaning we are your church while you are away from home and will watch over and care for you as you worship with us while allowing you to maintain your primary church membership through your home church elsewhere.

Meet Our Staff

Pastor Charles "Charlie" Mayberry

Pastor Charles "Charlie" Mayberry

Senior Pastor

Email: cmayberry@dbch.org

Faith: While I grew up blessed with a loving family, I was not raised attending church with any regularity. We would go on Easter primarily, and ever so often we would go at Christmas. I grew up like any other child of the 70’s and 80’s, outside and 90 mph. Before becoming a Christian, I was definitely lost and just did not know it. All I can say is God bless my poor Parents and Neighbors who had to endure my actions, choices, and misadventures all those years….they are saints!  I began to seriously consider Jesus as a high school student after some college students had invited me and some of my friends to attend Youth For Christ meetings in Rome, GA. These meetings were significant to me and the closest thing to “church” I had known. After wrestling for years, I finally came to faith in Christ in my junior year of high school while attending a community-wide crusade. God saved me that night and radically changed my life. I have never been the same. From high school to college, God surrounded me with several friends and adults who would pour into my life and serve to help me grow as a follower of Jesus. The list of these individuals is long, cherished, and continues to grow throughout my life. They have taught me the value and necessity of relationships, how to treasure friendships, and a deep and abiding love for God’s church. I have long been a work in progress, a sojourner on a road marked by grace. My faith in Christ brought me from death to life and has given me every good thing in this life. Today, I know the beauty of the love of God lavished upon us through Christ. I know what it means to be brought into His family and called His child. I know that each one of us has a “Rescue Story” that ends with Jesus. I have the immense honor to serve Him and the opportunity to preach the Gospel out of both love and necessity for out of proclaiming it to others I continue to proclaim it to myself. I liken my faith journey to a Rich Mullins song “Creed” whose lyrics go on to say “And I believe what I believe, its what makes me what I am. I did not make it, no it is making me. It is the very truth of God and not the invention of any man.”

Professional: I had the privilege of serving as a Director of Ministry at Rome Area Youth for Christ for 5 1/2 years beginning as a volunteer and transitioning to full-time. During this time I attended Shorter College where I earned a BS in Christian Ministry. During this time I was called to the ministry and licensed and ordained at Fellowship Baptist Church in Rome, GA.  Following my time at Shorter, I began the long journey of Seminary training having the honor to have attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, TX, and additional classes through New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary/Atlanta, GA. Campus, before completing a Master of Divinity degree through Mercer University’s McAfee School of Theology in Atlanta, GA. During this time I have had the honor of serving as the Associate Pastor of Fifth Avenue Baptist Church Rome, GA., Associate Pastor of Family Ministry at Second Avenue Baptist Church Rome, GA., Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church of Waycross, GA., and I currently have the honor of serving as the Pastor of Dahlonega Baptist Church, Dahlonega, GA where God has blessed me with some of the finest people and an incredible Staff. In all, I am beyond thankful that God has blessed and allowed me to serve Him through ministry for over 25 years.

About: I was born and raised in Rome, GA in Northwest Georgia where I graduated from Coosa High School in 1991 and later Shorter College in 1997. After attending seminary in Ft Worth, TX, I came back to Rome where I received one of my greatest gifts in life when I met and married my wife Amy. Anyone who knows me knows that Amy is my rock and God has blessed us with (soon to be) 26 years of marriage (2025). We have two wonderful daughters Agnes & Greta who are in college and quickly making us empty nesters! My wife and daughters are living examples of the goodness of God and His grace and love toward me.

Interests: I am an avid sports fan (Go DAWGS, BRAVES, FALCONS, & HAWKS!) and love anything outdoors. I love history, movies, music, books, and any opportunity to sit down and have a good cup of coffee with friends. I love people and the opportunity to walk through life while learning the stories of others. I get excited about church and love God’s Word. I admit, I am a huge Fantasy Football fan!

Did you know?  Even though I am 6’6, one of my favorite things I have done in life is to take people caving (technically spelunking). I took several groups and individuals caving through a series of caves in Northwest Georgia for almost 20yrs. There is nothing like spending over 6 hours underground with close friends and good people in TIGHT places while working on teamwork and admiring aspects of God’s creation that few people ever see. My mottos as I lead groups….”I’m first one in and last one out”…and…”If I can fit, you can fit.”

Carl Tolbert

Carl Tolbert

Associate Pastor, Director of Family Ministries

Email: carltolbert@dbch.org

Faith: I did not grow up in church and did not know Christ personally until I met my wife in college. A friend invited me to a youth rally in high school where I heard the gospel preached. I responded to a nudging that I felt, and was baptized, but because I was not in church, I did not have any guidance to develop a faith. When my wife showed me what it looked like to be in relationship with Jesus, I began to pursue getting to know Him and became a part of a church community. Not only did I fall in love with Jesus, I fell in love with HIS church! After marrying Suzanne, church became a vital part of my life and I sought to learn, to serve, and to get to know my Savior intimately. After spending a few years sitting with my wife as she led youth, I began to develop a passion for young people and longed to help them grow their relationships with Christ, but never felt worthy to do that until one summer when I volunteered at a youth camp and took the challenge to lead. It was as if it was what I was meant to do! I fell in love with students and I wanted them to know and experience the beautiful life that following Jesus can bring, and to show them that when they truly encounter Jesus, their lives will be affected in profound ways! My goal is to offer all children & students the opportunity to be a part of a community of fellow believers, so that they can journey together to live as Christ calls them to live, and to do what He calls them to do.

Professional: After the camp experiences, God began to stir in my heart and I felt a calling to go into full-time ministry. At the age of 35, I answered the call and began seminary. I was ordained @ Johns Creek Baptist Church, and at 37, I was called to my first church, Trinity Baptist Church in Moultrie, GA where I served as the Children’s & Youth Pastor from 2005-2014. From there I was called to be the Minister of Youth and Recreation @ First Baptist Church of Laruens, SC. I served there from 2014-2020.

About: I grew up in Opelika Alabama and then moved to Birmingham my junior year of High School. I met my wife Suzanne at Samford University and we just celebrated our 30th Anniversary (2020). We have two sons, Kyle & Jay who both graduated from the University of Georgia. Kyle, is a Student pastor at Grace Raleigh, in Raleigh, NC and Jay is married to Conley and is the Youth Pastor at Green Acres Baptist Church in Athens, GA.

Interests: Vacation Bible school, camps, and retreats are my very favorite things in the whole wide world. I am an avid sports fan. NBA & college football are my favorite to watch, but I love to play them all! My newest pastimes are Disc Golf and Ultimate Frisbee. I love playing video games, playing golf, basketball & fishing.

Did you know? I started out an Alabama fan until my dad became part of Auburn’s football team by working with the coaching staff by hooking up headphones from the sidelines to the press box on game days. After spending a lot of time around the team, around the coaches, in the stadium, and in the press box, it was easy to become a fan! SO, I’m likely the only Auburn fan that is also a huge Alabama fan unless they are playing the Tigers!


Tylor Hughes

Tylor Hughes

Director of Children’s Ministry

Email: kids@dbch.org

Faith: My faith story begins as most do – I was taken to church periodically as a child and really didn’t grow up in that steady and firm Christian home. My mom, I have to say, was the pioneer for the beginning stages of my faith. She, as a single parent, felt the desire to begin going to church every time the doors were open and becoming more involved, inevitably, I was drug along too. As I became more involved in the church myself – attending Awana, singing in the choir, participating in the youth program, etc. – I felt that tug in my heart to declare my faith and accept Jesus into my heart at the early age of 9, becoming baptized shortly afterwards. But still throughout my childhood I didn’t appreciate the urgency my mom had to take me to church. As the years passed on, I was still reluctant to completely surrender my life to the Lord. I was that typically rebellious preteen that felt that they already had and knew everything about this life, so why add something new. It wasn’t until about a decade later, in my freshman year of college, I began to appreciate the Truth that was poured into my life through my mom and the churches we attended. God started to advance my spiritual growth by showing me that my life was completely useless and purposeless without Him. Christ began to open my eyes to His wonders and His commands, but even then, I was hesitant to wholly submit my will to His. Then God began to deal with my defiant will to completely trust Him. His faithfulness, gentleness, lovingness, and authority were displayed in my life through my oldest child that was born with birth defects. What a hard road to travel! But on that journey, God was there whispering in that still, small voice that He was there to carry us all, filling the void that felt like it would never be complete. So, in that moment of vulnerability, I knew with utter confidence that He was large and in charge of every circumstance pertaining to my life. Through the years afterwards, God has shown me His sovereignty and grace that has left me awestruck. He has opened doors that I didn’t even know existed and closed doors that didn’t even need to be opened, which gives me the urgency to tell others about Him and make disciples of those who already do.

About: I grew up in Bainbridge, GA where I met my bride, Samantha, during our junior year in high school. She and I moved up to Dahlonega in 2013 to attend UNG and fell in love with the beauty of both the scenery and people. Currently, I am currently a student at Truett McConnell University where I am majoring in Biblical Studies. I love to be outdoors, whether it’s to cruise on the lake, wade in the ocean, hike the trails, hammock between trees, toss the ball, or just simply sit and enjoy God’s creation. Samantha and I have 2 rambunctious blessings, Greyson & Chloe. Our family is full of spirit, adventure, and vision and we anticipate God to do immeasurable things through our lives.

Did You Know? In my senior year in high school I marched with the band at the Philadelphia Thanksgiving Day parade.

Jerry Cloer

Jerry Cloer

Minister of Music

Email: jerry@dbch.org

Faith: I became a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ when I was eight years of age. Because of the faithful witness of my grandparents and their strong relationship with Christ, I learned what it meant to walk in God’s presence and worship Him daily. Along with the influence of godly men such as my youth pastor and my music pastor at our church, I made a commitment to serve the Lord through music. As a senior in high school while at summer youth camp, I surrendered my life to the ministry with a focus on music in local churches.

Professional: My passion is to lead fellow believers in worship and praise in the local church. Upon graduation from Baptist Bible College in Springfield, MO., I served the Lord at Open Door Baptist Church in Kansas City, KS. and then moved to Georgia where I have been blessed to lead worship at First Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA., Mountain Park First Baptist Church, Stone Mountain, GA., and First Baptist Church, Norcross, GA. I am honored to be a part of what the Lord is doing at Dahlonega Baptist Church.

About: I am blessed with a godly wife, Linda, of 26 years who has been my helpmate both in life and ministry. We made Dahlonega our home in 2017 and love the mountains. We have 5 wonderful children, 10 grandchildren and even 2 great-grandchildren.

Interests: Traveling and sharing time with my wife is now my favorite thing to do. I will say that I love sports and especially watching college basketball. Since our move to the mountains, I have taken an interest in playing Pickle Ball.

Did you know? I officiated high school and small college basketball for many years.

Carl Gibson

Carl Gibson

Facilities Manager

Faith: My life changed dramatically on Dec. 15, 2009 when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. The past 26 years before I was a drug addict and on that day, God released me from the addiction that consumed my life, I thank God everyday and serve him to the best of my ability at DBC. I have served as Deacon and am involved in our men’s ministry and our student ministry as well.

About: I believe that everyone deserves the upmost respect; something my father taught me and that’s what I give to everyone I encounter.

Interests: Fishing, Tennessee Volunteer Football, Volunteer Work

Did You Know? I survived an attack by a 180 pound alpha wolf while working at a wildlife preserve.

Nancy Gallagher

Nancy Gallagher

Sonshine Weekday Preschool Ministry - Director

Email: nancy@dbch.org or sonshine@dahlonegabaptist.com

Faith: The Lord has alway been at work in my life but I did not realize the pull He was placing in my heart until I was in my early 20’s. The Lord had placed people in my life at work and personally that were sharing the Gospel with me on a daily basis. But it wasn’t until I turned my life over to the Lord it filled a massive hole in my heart and life that I had been desperately trying to fill with things of the world. Each day is a new stepping stone in my faith walk with Jesus and I am thankful for the transformation that He is continually doing in my life. 

About: My husband Joshua and I were married in Illinois and moved with our two sons Aydin and Keiwhan to Dahlonega in 2014. Since our arrival we have welcomed two wonderful daughters Grace and Rosemary.  We have been attending DBC since the fall of 2014. 

Interests: Gardening, reading, volunteering and spending time with my family. 

Did you know? I am 50% Native American and belong to a tribe in Canada. 

Dianne King

Dianne King

Office Manager

Email: dianne@dbch.org

Faith: I became a Christian and was baptized when I was 12 years old at Dahlonega Baptist Church. I had wonderful and loving parents and they sent me to Sunday School almost every Sunday. I am grateful to God for saving me when I was young, however, I did not really understand the Gospel of Christ until I was a young adult when I came to fully trust in Christ as my Savior and truly understand that God loves me so much He sent His Son to die for my sins so that I am forgiven. The Lord has brought me through difficult times in my life and I believe my faith in Him has grown through those experiences. I know that God is on my side!!
Professional: I have served DBC for the last 38 years. I have had the pleasure of working with four senior pastors and wouldn’t change a thing about the experience.  It has been a wonderful journey with my DBC family, whom I love very much.

About: I value honesty, a Godly attitude and compassion. My passion is that everyone be treated fairly without judgement.

Interests: Hiking, scrapbooking and spending time with my children.

Did You Know?  I have gone ziplining and parasailing! Looking forward to my next adventure.

Lowayne Craig

Lowayne Craig

Financial Administrator

Email: finance@dbch.org

Faith: I was born into a large family. My mother couldn’t always attend church when I was an adolescent with lots of small children; therefore, I was invited to attend with my aunt and uncle or I caught a ride to church. It was on one of these occasions that I accepted Christ into my life at the age of eleven.
About: I married my soul-mate and lived with him for 45 wonderful years. My son was born in 1981, another gift from God. My husband has now passed on to be with the Lord after giving us miracles upon miracles to allow us about three extra years together. Now my mission is to serve that Lord and try to tell others about Christ’s power in our lives.

Did You Know? I am an avid deer hunter and have a beautiful 8-point buck hanging on my wall.

Rochelle Brinson

Rochelle Brinson

Financial Assistant

Email: rochelle@dbch.org

Faith: I was blessed to be raised in a strong Christian family where both of my parents lived their faith and taught us children to do the same. I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior here at Dahlonega Baptist Church when I was seven years old but made my public profession of faith, was baptized and became a member of the church as a ten year old when I better understood the responsibility of church membership. As a child, I spent several weeks every summer at a local Christian camp. I was a regular camper until I reached my teens and then served as a junior camp counselor as well as attended teen camp, where I grew in my faith and learned how to implement the Great Commission. In my late teens I attended a two week long Christian Leadership Camp in Manitou Springs, CO where I had in depth studies on the Christian World View. It is through this program that my theological understanding and faith matured and I learned how to defend my faith in a fallen world through apologetics. I have been actively involved in my church, women’s Bible Studies, women’s ministries and choir in all the places I’ve lived as an adult. I am a firm believer in “The Golden Rule” and strive to always make my decisions based on how Christ would have me respond and what I would want if I were in another person’s shoes.

About: I was born and raised in Dahlonega, GA but have “traveled the country” as an adult living in seven different states. I have three wonderful children who keep me on my toes as they are all young adults. I value honesty, integrity and being my true self with those around me.

Interests: I have a wide variety of interests that include cooking and baking, sewing, gardening, reading and building things. I love being outside in God’s creation and find my happy place in nature whether enjoying a beautiful day or watching wildlife, hiking or just taking in “the view”.

Did You Know? I have a love for power tools and enjoy a good stroll through the hardware store or Home Depot.


Pat Cowart

Pat Cowart

Ministry Assistant/Membership Secretary

Email: Membership@dbch.org

I’ve been a member of DBC since 2012.  This church has been such a blessing to me through the years.  It is a pleasure to serve as the Membership Secretary and Office Administrative Assistant, a position I’ve held since 2022.

In my spare time, I love to garden, hang out with my grandkids and two goldendoodles Teddy and Chloe.



The Bible was written by men and inspired by God. It is the revelation of God to people and by it we understand God’s purpose for us. The Bible has God as its author, salvation for its end, and is truth without any mixture of error. It is the standard by which all human conduct and religious opinions should be measured. (2 Timothy 3:16)


God is all-powerful, all loving, and all wise. He is the one true God and creator of all that exists. God is forever existent in three persons, yet being one God; God the Father, God the son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit. God is Father in truth to those who become part of God’s family through faith in Jesus Christ.


Jesus Christ is the incarnation of God as a human being, born to the virgin Mary, conceived by the Holy Spirit. Jesus completely revealed and accomplished the will of God, taking upon Himself the demands and necessities of human nature and identifying Himself completely with humankind, yet without sin, or any prideful separation from God. He honored God’s teachings by His personal obedience, and in His death on the cross He made provision for the redemption of humans from alienation from God. He was raised from the dead with a glorified body and appeared to His disciples as the person who was with them before His crucifixion. He ascended into heaven and is now exalted with God where He is mediator for people. He will return in power and glory to judge the world and to consummate his redemptive mission.


The Holy Spirit is God in His abiding, personal presence. He leads those separated from God to salvation through Christ. He lives in all believers, allowing them to walk with God forever from the moment of salvation. The Holy Spirit cultivates God’s character in his followers. He leads believers to understand biblical truth, empowers them for godly living, gives them spiritual gifts and equips them to accomplish God’s purposes, the good of others and their own fulfillment. (John 14:15-21, 26; 16:5-16)


People were created by God in his image and are the crowning work of God’s creation. Part of being created in God’s image means each person has been endowed with freedom of choice. By that free choice each person has chosen self determination over God’s will and suffers alienation from God because of that self will. Being created in God’s image also means we human beings have built into our being the ability to respond to God. This potential to commune with God offers us hope for a better life here and eternal life hereafter. (Genesis 1:26-31)


Sin is any attitude or act that reorients one’s life away from God. Sin may best be seen as a direction of life into self and away from God. Therefore, the attitudes of human pride and self-sufficiency move us away from God and are sinful. Prideful acts are a symptom of that self-centered, or self-sufficient direction. The life of sin is the life lived without regard for the Creator’s desire for relationship and purposes for our life. (Romans 1:21-25) This life always leads to eternal separation (called, hell) unless the person responds to God’s invitation to a new and dependent relationship in Christ.


Salvation refers to being reconciled, or set into right relationship with God because of Jesus’ sacrifice to pay the consequences of our broken relationship. God’s gift of salvation involves the redemption of the whole being, and is offered freely to all who accept Jesus’ action on our behalf. Salvation is a process that includes spiritual birth (or, theologically speaking, regeneration) e.g., John 3:16, spiritual maturity (or, sanctification), e.g., 2 Corinthians 3:18, and final blessed eternal state of the redeemed (or, glorification), e.g., Revelation 21:1-22:5.


Christian baptism is the immersion of a believer in water as a symbol of the believer’s faith in a risen Savior. The symbolic act represents the new believer dying to self (being immersed) and being raised to new life with the resurrected Jesus to spend eternity with our Heavenly Father. Baptism also reflects the reality of the disciple now being ‘immersed’ in the resurrected life of Jesus and in the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 6:3-7)


A Church is a local body of believers who are joined in following Christ and expressing our faith. Believers who are joined together in a local church express their faith in Christ by practicing two specific expressions of our faith; baptism and The Lord’s Supper. A local church is committed to the teachings of Jesus, worshiping in Spirit and truth, supporting each other in every way, and helping all people grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. (Acts 2 42-47)


Spiritual growth is the process of becoming more like Jesus in our thoughts, attitudes and actions. Through this process the Holy Spirit indwells the believer and leads them to a greater sense of surrender to God and dependence on God. The growing disciple will experience changes in thought and action. (Colossians 3:1-17) The indwelling Holy Spirit leads the believer toward spiritual completeness, a process that is called ‘sanctification’. Sanctification pictures a person being transformed by the ever-increasing expression of God’s character in the disciple’s life. (Galatians 5:22-26)  This process makes one holy, or a saint.

Dahlonega Baptist is honored to partner with organizations in our community that are dedicated to serving people in need.



Northern Star

Northern Star is a life-skills program for teen and young adults that aids in successful transition from a group home to independent adult living.


Community Helping Place

CHP addresses with care and compassion the needs of people in Lumpkin County.



NGA Interfaith Ministries

North Georgia Interfaith Ministries serves the homeless of Lumpkin County.



Side By Side

A one day event uniting Lumpkin County churches of all denominations to serve our community.



Hope For The Hungry

 A scripture-rooted ministry, founded in prayer in 2003 and committed to evangelizing and feeding people who are in need.