Worship Team volunteers produce a relevant worship environment through audio, video, stage managing, or lighting, that is comfortable and inviting.

The Worship Team at DBC is a group of highly motivated, committed, and enthusiastic servants who value excellence and one another. We strive to create a worship service environment that is comfortable and inviting. If that sounds exciting and if you’re willing to learn, stretch yourself, and try some new things, please consider serving alongside us. We have both technical and nontechnical positions, and no prior experience is necessary.

The team is responsible for the set-up, monitoring, and adjustment of all sanctuary audio equipment. Their role is to support the band, speaker, and all on-stage personnel as they lead or communicate to the congregation on Sunday. They focus on facilitating worship and communication, focusing attention, and removing distractions.They also prepare and operate the equipment necessary to display live video and any graphics or characters that are needed to enhance the live video (ie: worship lyrics, Bible verses, etc.). They focus on enhancing and delivering the worship and the message, creating visual appeal, focusing attention, and supporting the communicator.